DAMTOYS :1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Diamond 2 (GK005#)

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Super Freak
Jan 28, 2013
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第3节:叛徒 turncoat


Survival of the fittest in natural selection, survival of the fittest
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most responsive to change --- Charles Darwin

只要有野心和能力就可以在帮派里赢得尊严和地位,这是个连红桃家族都要畏惧的家族。 这个家族的格局也由一个变节者的到来而发生改变。

方块2 阿尔杰(Alger)他是影响4个帮派格局变化关键人物,他原本是黑桃j的得力手下。阿尔杰的父亲是奥格尔父亲黑桃k的旧部,为黑桃家族崛起立下赫赫战功,阿尔杰的父亲对黑桃k最初非常的忠诚,但随着自己的地位攀升和忌惮帮派中的血脉关系也开始为自己家门的将来做筹划,以至于在阿尔杰很小的时候就开始培养他以便日后辅佐黑桃j接替家族继承人位置。

阿尔杰的变节还是要由他从中国回来后说起,那时他22岁已经是个格斗高手,甚至黑桃j都不是他的对手。阿尔杰回到帮派后开始跟随黑桃j左右,黑桃j也视他为自己的兄弟,一开始阿尔杰对很黑桃j很忠诚,但随着时间的推移,身边的事物再变,人也在变。阿尔杰一直期待黑桃j能够继承家族,但当时黑桃 Q兄妹在黑桃家族的势力越来越大,以至于黑桃j在家族中的地位得到了威胁,阿尔杰很想替黑桃j清除障碍,可是黑桃j没有让他这么做而是选择退让,这让阿尔杰非常的失望,阿尔杰心中的野心种子也随之开始播种,他不甘心只做黑桃j身后的影子,他不想走自己父亲那样的老路,他感觉自己在帮派中无法得到应有的尊重和地位。





CHAPTER 3:New hatred piled on old
Section 3:turncoat

In natural selection, only the fittest could survive
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most responsive to change --- Charles Darwin

The Diamond family is the strongest and most ambitious one among the four gang families, its members includes Australians, Mexicans and Europeans.
Ambition and power is all you need to earn respect in this family. This is a family even the Hearts would fear, and its structure is about to change by the coming of a traitor.

Alger, the 2 of diamonds, is the key that changes the power pattern of the four families. He used to be the sidekick of the J of Spades. Alger’s father was a follower of Ogier’s father, the K of Spades, and earned his credits during the rising of Spade family. His father was very loyal to the K of spades, but as his position in the family rose, he eventually started to make plans for his own heir in the fear of nepotism in the family. He gave Alger hard training ever since he was a little child, so that Alger could assist the J of spades becoming the family successor in the coming years.

Since Alger was 6 years old, father taught him fighting techniques, and eventually sent him to China for martial arts training. Alger therefore became a fan of Chinese culture; he later had his arm tattooed in Chinese: in natural selection, only the fittest could survive.

Alger’s betrayal dated back to when he came back from China. He was 22 years old and already a combat master, not even J of spades could match him. After Alger came back to the family, he became J’s right-hand man, and J also saw Alger as his own brother. However, as time flows, human hearts changes too. Alger always expected J to inherit the family, but the Q sibling’s power were growing, the eventually J’s position in the family is threatened. Alger volunteered to sweep the obstacles, but J wouldn’t allow him to and chose to step back, this disappointed Alger. The seed of ambition in Alger’s heart started sprouting, he was unwilled to be merely a shadow behind J, he didn’t want to take his father’s path, and he felt that he would never get the respect and position that he deserved in the family.

If the disappointment in J was not the break point of Alger’s ambition and renegade, his father’s death was the last straw. The Q sibling’s trap lead to his father’s death, but J prohibited Alger’s revenge for the families’ joint interest. Alger was completely despair in the family, and in J. His ambition broke out at this point, his hatred speeded up the inflation of his ambition, and the flame of revenge in heart swallowed his humanity. But it was not easy to get rid of the Q siblings, he could carry on his own revenge only if he is powerful enough. Since the Spades family did not reserve a card for him, he chose to leave, to join a stronger family,

The K of diamonds always appreciated Alger, but he also had fear in Alger’s ambition, he only gave Alger a small card, the 2 of Diamonds. Alger was indifference with this; all he needed was a fair chance to earn all he needed with his fist. Thanks to his extraordinary combat skills, he quickly earned the trust of a few other cards in the jungle of diamond family; they were willing to follow him.

After several years of struggle, Alger raised the curtain of his comprehensive and enormous revenge plan…
Guards in the room soon become a bunch of sieves under the firepower 4 of spades and the others. 3 entered the room to check if there are any survivals, while 4 checked those drugs on the table, and signaled his men to move them away. Several spade gangsters started to move the drugs, 4 and 3 led the remaining men into other rooms. Entered a corridor and passed a pile of debris, with some muffled sound, two gangsters suddenly fall to the ground. At the very moment as 4 turned around, a dagger flied straight to his throat; he couldn’t dodge, all he could do in time was raising his arm as a shield. Before 4 was able to make any further move, a shadow flashed out, kicked right into his chest, and he flew several metres away. Heard the noise, 3 rushed to rescue and slashed the shadow with his axe, but was blocked by a pair of fist knuckles, power of the clashing almost dropped 3’s axe from his hands. 3’s combat skill was personally trained by J, yet he was knocked down after a few rounds, blood came pouring out from his mouth.

“You are a blot to the family”, 4 said, getting up from the ground, holding his dagger.

The shadow gradually revealed himself, he was the 2 of diamonds, traitor of the spades family.

2 of diamonds is almost flaunting his betrayal after he changed his “loyalty” tattoo. He no longer has any loyalty in his heart.


“Flame of revenge” tattooed on both sides of his head

Alger is deeply influenced by Chinese culture, this is his motto, and his attitude towards life.

Alger tattooed the Tai Ji pattern on his right hand, hoping he could manage the power of balancing Yin and Yang.


On his left hand is a compass, wishing himself never get lost
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DAMTOYS :1/6 Gangsters Kingdom-——Diamond 2
DAMTOYS :1/6 黑帮王国---------方块2(Diamond 2)



2.Action bady
3.Black fur collar fur coats
4.Long sleeve black T-shirt
5.Black trousers
6.Black waist chain wallet
7.Knuckle Duster
8.High barrel boots(one pair)
10.Fly knife x4
11.Leather wallet
12.The belt
13.Silver necklace
14.The left hand wristbands+Palm
15.The right hand wrist support+Palm
16.Palm (3)three
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This line is so great. Their jackets are universally some of the coolest mass produced 1/6 items I've seen in awhile. Anyone know which actor this is supposed to resemble? He looks a bit like an actor that plays a thug in various movies, but I can't put my finger on a specific movie I've seen him in.
Who's this one suppose to be then? I agree with the above this line is very cool with some of the best tailoring of any 1/6 scale company
This line is so great. Their jackets are universally some of the coolest mass produced 1/6 items I've seen in awhile. Anyone know which actor this is supposed to resemble? He looks a bit like an actor that plays a thug in various movies, but I can't put my finger on a specific movie I've seen him in.

Could be wrong, but the sculpt reminds me of Ron Perlman.
Anyone know which actor this is supposed to resemble?

Scott Adkins

Funny that given his story he's Spade J's adversary and in Expendables 2 Him and Statham we in much the same position

Nice looking figure, though Im not a huge fan of the boots but hes totally bought.
Dam's Gangsters have been solid releases and very imaginative, this one looks as well done as the others.
I've been tempted to get them, but I've limited my spending to essential figures.
I'm a huge fan of this. I enjoy the fact that they've come up with a backstory for all these characters as well, however hackneyed and derivative it may be :p
Man this line is on fire! I fear we won't see this guy until summer '14 at the rate they're going now. I hope I'm wrong.
Man this line is on fire! I fear we won't see this guy until summer '14 at the rate they're going now. I hope I'm wrong.

Spade 4 isn't slated till Q2 2014, which is already Summer, so this one is likely Q3.


I wouldn't really say DAM is "on fire". They announce a lot of stuff, but they're just as behind schedule on releases as any other company in this hobby right now.
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This line is so cool. Wish I had the room and the budget to get in on it.

With the stylized sculpt, he kind of looks a bit like 70's character actor John Schuck from McMillan & Wife! :lol

(He was also a Klingon in a couple Trek movies.)

Also ... I'm very old! :lol