Indiana Jones Exhibit: The Discovery Science Center (Anaheim, CA)

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Super Freak
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hey fellow Freaks and Indy enthusiasts, I just wanted to share some photos I took from the Indiana Jones exhibit that is currently being hosted by the Discovery Science Center in Anaheim, CA. I went with my wife and daughter there this past weekend, and we all had a blast. The exhibit was fantastic, and even included an enriching audio element (with an intro from old man Ford himself).

Here is a link for any locals, or semi-locals, who might not have know about it:

I really wish they would make this a traveling exhibit and bring it to the east coast.

This is a traveling exhibit; this was the first U.S. stop, although no new cities have been announced yet.

Patiently waiting for it to come around this way.

Great pics MarfMaster! I really hope to get a chance to see this at some point.
Great pictures and a awesome exhibit.

I really wish they would make this a traveling exhibit and bring it to the east coast.

This is a traveling exhibit; this was the first U.S. stop, although no new cities have been announced yet.

Patiently waiting for it to come around this way.

Great pics MarfMaster! I really hope to get a chance to see this at some point.

Definitely going to see this....and what a beautiful family!

Thanks, guys! :)

And thank you for posting that link to the exhibit, choopie. That's a much more helpful link than the one I posted. :hi5:
Great pics thanks for sharing.

Care to identify your jacket, looks nice and weathered.
Is it a Kato?! :D

My pleasure, Cavlcade. :)

Kato's got nothing on the genuine article! I actually sent these pics (and more) to him a loooong time ago in an attempt to jump start his work on a 1/6 Raiders jacket. :lol

Thanks for sharing these! I live in Costa Mesa and Im always in Santa Ana driving by the discovery center and was very curious about there Indy exhibit, did not realize how cool it was until I saw these, really want to check it out now!!!
That's awesome! I remember hearing about this exhibit ages ago, but wasn't sure if it ever materialized. So happy it's really happening! I'll bet it comes to the Discovery Center in Times Square eventually. I really hope so! It's only a block or two from my office!

I'm surprised they allowed photography! That's fantastic! (And your pics are pretty swell, too!) :clap
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Kato's got nothing on the genuine article! I actually sent these pics (and more) to him a loooong time ago in an attempt to jump start his work on a 1/6 Raiders jacket. :lol

Nice jacket, lovely patina. You wear it well.
Damn! So jealous, Dane! That must have been a blast. :clap Wonderful looking famly you have there too, buddy!

Awesome Pics!

Thanks for sharing these! I live in Costa Mesa and Im always in Santa Ana driving by the discovery center and was very curious about there Indy exhibit, did not realize how cool it was until I saw these, really want to check it out now!!!

That's awesome! I remember hearing about this exhibit ages ago, but wasn't sure if it every materialized. So happy it's really happening! I'll bet it comes to the Discovery Center in Times Square eventually. I really hope so! It's only a block or two from my office!

I'm surprised they allowed photography! That's fantastic! (And your pics are pretty swell, too!) :clap

Thanks, fellas! :1-1: It really was a blast, highly recommended for any Indy fan (especially if you have a little one that's a fan).

They didn't allow flash photography, but I did the best I could with my iphone sans flash. :)

Nice jacket, lovely patina. You wear it well.

Thanks, Cavlcade. :duff
Great pics Marf! One awesome exhibit.

This'll make for a great reference pic:
