Norman Bates from PSYCHO!

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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From one of the greatest horror films ever made comes the original big-screen slasher. This is a SPOILER ALERT for the four people who may not be familiar with Alfred Hitchcock's classic, its three sequels or the 1998 remake. This is one of my Grail figures, so I can't wait to see this guy in person. The eye color will be changed to brown during production.



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<<< Rain cloud.....

Looks bad to me, like a figure from 10 years ago that should have cost $40, not $100 in 2012. Just not feeling it at all.


I would pay for a top quality Bates figure. Surprised one has never really been made. Instead of that multitudes of Freddy, Jason and Myers customs, it would be nice to see a high quality Bates.
Indeed KD. I LOVE this movie but would never spend much more than $50 on this one. Maybe with an upgraded body the outfit would look better but that sculpt is not very good.
It's a scene specific sculpt, so it may look strange in different poses. Other than the blue eyes and thin eyebrows, which should be fixed in production, it's pretty-spot on Perkins from the ending. I also don't see how the outfit can be improved, considering the simplicity of the look.
The jacket looks way to big for him and the buttons on the shirt are huge! Pants and dress are ok.
The jacket looks way to big for him and the buttons on the shirt are huge! Pants and dress are ok.

The jacket looks fine. Perkins was a tall, lanky guy, so it's not far off from the movie look. It would look perfect with a bit of futzing. The buttons are big, but when you're making these figures by hand, I'm sure they're as small as you can get.

As for the body, I'm sure it's fine. I own four figures from DD and the body is very well articulated, and not at all like the jerky Buck bodies Sideshow used to use. The only nitpick I have are the shiny doll hands, but I can live with those. Every DD figure I own looks better in person, so I admit the pics don't do them justice. I know Norman will look great in the right environment with the promised tweaks.

I find it funny how people are complaining about the price. Don't get me wrong, I would love paying 40 bucks for this. But as these are handmade, and sculpted by professionals, I am more than happy to pay the SRP, if it means getting the characters I want. This isn't 2001, and when you are paying 250+ for a HT figure, these are still a bargain at a fraction of that cost.
Cool he's being made. I agree with some post above, it looks like an old school Sideshow figure. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. It's not a bad figure, but not great either. Maybe when in hand picks with the modification we can have a better idea. But going off those pics, I say it looks more of a $60 figure max. But if this not being mass produce with an extremely low edition size, then I can understand the raise in price.

But I see this is a big deal for you and you should enjoy it. But I agree about Jacket being a little bit oversize. I Like the wig and dress though. Might get those loose and make a bash myself.
Phibes is a happy camper. :rock

About time. Cool to see Dummies do this!

....I knew this was coming. I helped a tad with photographic references for them. This will go nicely with my collection.:dance:dance

Figure's head is cast in transluscent flesh tones. perfect for adding washes, which I plan to do to mine when I gets one.

As for the whole negative assessment from others above me---maybe we are all just a bit spoilt these days because of Hot Toys? This is a very limited run custom. This dude aint sitting on a pile of money with a multitude of unlimited resources. Its the equivalent of a garage kit in action figure form. I likes it.

If those Sideshow toys figures from 10 years ago were released today, they wouldnt be $45-50 anymore anyway. They'd be around $95-100. Its really a nice likeness presented in a reasonably affordable custom.:peace
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Cool he's being made. I agree with some post above, it looks like an old school Sideshow figure. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. It's not a bad figure, but not great either. Maybe when in hand picks with the modification we can have a better idea. But going off those pics, I say it looks more of a $60 figure max. But if this not being mass produce with an extremely low edition size, then I can understand the raise in price.

But I see this is a big deal for you and you should enjoy it. But I agree about Jacket being a little bit oversize. I Like the wig and dress though. Might get those loose and make a bash myself.

When I get mine, I will add some washes where needed and post some pics with some mild imporvements. The sculpt on the face is there thoguh. Me happy.

The new Creepshow figure is going to be around the same price point as Normie. I plan to get him too. Then lets compare the two and see what a $100 will get us. I think the Nate will be neater to look at since he's a zombie, but Perkins is a difficult likeness to nail to say the least. he's harder than Shatner to capture.:peace
I can't wait to see the black and white variant. I plan on getting two: A BW version to display with my Universals, and a color to display with my modern horror stuff. He really is the ultimate transitional horror icon.

I have faith the final figure will be a worthy addition to my collection.
First of my thanks to Anton Phibes for the help in getting me reference material and to Dr. Mirakle for posting the pics, as he has supported me with his praise and honest critique since I first started with these.
And thanks to all for your views both positive and negative.
The one think I would like to address though is the issue of price. Could I please point out that the price does include shipping half way across the world which takes a good percentage of the selling price. With the reference to it being a $40 doll from ten years ago. Ten years ago gas prices in the US were about $1.30 a gallon and are now nearing or breaking the $4.00 mark. A loaf of bread was around 79 cents and is now around the $2.00 mark. So if you take that into consideration I believe the price is a fair reflection.
On the clothing front, the jacket is intentionally a little over size to give Norman that loose look from the film as is the shirt collar to give an open top impression without showing the neck joint. As for the buttons, withou investing in micro sewing or heat press technology there is really not a lot I can do on that.
Please also try to remember I am a Man and Mrs operation not a Hot Toys or Sideshow and I do try my damned best to make people happy. Norman is my 11th figure in a year and a half and in that time I have only had one customer return. I am proud of what I do, as most often it is a labour of love, and the happiness and positive feedback I get from my customers is reward enough although one day in the future I would actually like to make some money :)
Many kind thanks
Distinctive Dummies
Looks nice. I think maybe painted differently would help- it looks a bit too translucent.
Anyone who doesn't like shiny hands on the figures could spray them with dullcote.

Jeez guys, it's a custom made figure, what do you want for $100? That's a fair price any day.
Exactly. The detail in the face sculpt is there fellas. But you cannot expect all that detail to be brought to each of our specific wants. Some like it the way it is. I may try some flesh wahses on mine. I am just happy this got done. Now--onto Mother's corpse in her rocker,lol.:lol:lecture
First of my thanks to Anton Phibes for the help in getting me reference material and to Dr. Mirakle for posting the pics, as he has supported me with his praise and honest critique since I first started with these.
And thanks to all for your views both positive and negative.
The one think I would like to address though is the issue of price. Could I please point out that the price does include shipping half way across the world which takes a good percentage of the selling price. With the reference to it being a $40 doll from ten years ago. Ten years ago gas prices in the US were about $1.30 a gallon and are now nearing or breaking the $4.00 mark. A loaf of bread was around 79 cents and is now around the $2.00 mark. So if you take that into consideration I believe the price is a fair reflection.
On the clothing front, the jacket is intentionally a little over size to give Norman that loose look from the film as is the shirt collar to give an open top impression without showing the neck joint. As for the buttons, withou investing in micro sewing or heat press technology there is really not a lot I can do on that.
Please also try to remember I am a Man and Mrs operation not a Hot Toys or Sideshow and I do try my damned best to make people happy. Norman is my 11th figure in a year and a half and in that time I have only had one customer return. I am proud of what I do, as most often it is a labour of love, and the happiness and positive feedback I get from my customers is reward enough although one day in the future I would actually like to make some money :)
Many kind thanks
Distinctive Dummies

Glad to be asked to contribute to the process. Pleasures all mine. Soon Norman will be all mine too.:panic:
Again, the lighting and eye color have alot to do with how the likeness is presented.

I'm happy to support the line as long as you keep making the characters I want! Just wondering, but will the B&W variant also be cast in translucent plastic?
Again, the lighting and eye color have alot to do with how the likeness is presented.

I'm happy to support the line as long as you keep making the characters I want! Just wondering, but will the B&W variant also be cast in translucent plastic?

It is hoped so. Just waiting on a smple this week and can get to putting it together. Clothes are done. Hope you dont mind grey scale eyes on this one :wink1:
I might add- having sculpted a Norman in 1/6 from the same scene myself, a lot of the exact likeness to the reference is all in the angle of the photo. That is the price to pay for using a specific scene for reference. This IS a good sculpt.