SAINT SEIYA Bandai Saint Cloth Myth Series

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Dec 29, 2008
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Death Star
Been collecting these for a while, one of my favorite series during my childhood. Anybody here collect them as well?

Here's mine:


Still need to get Andromeda, had almost completed the 12 Gold Saints, but since Bandai is remaking the whole GS line, I sold them off, and preordered the EX version.
I've stopped after the original Gold Saints, 5 Final Bronze Saints, 3 judges and a few odd ones here and there.

I was packaging them all back into their boxes last week, as I could be moving soon. Only to discover that Ikki's abs (Final Bronze Cloth) have cracked... :(

Never did manage to get that Appendix for Camus though. It was cheap of Bandai to not go through with it til the end, with just Capricorn, Cancer, and Libra left with crappy heads. (Sagittarius was waaay overpriced though, skipped that one)
I think the V3 clothes are the common ones to have the cracked abs. I almost bought 1 Seiya V3 with the same cracked abs too.

Regarding the appendix, Aquarius is one of the rarer ones, along with Leo. Reason of them being in demand is because the original one looks daft. But now that they are remaking the whole GS line with the EX, I guess they must have figured, theres no point for them to continue their appendix :dunno:lol

Luckily Ive gotten rid the GS line as soon as they announced the EX, even though I have just got them like the month before:slap

Did you get Hade btw? Since you already have the Judges.
I still have the 12 gold saints and the 5 v3 bronze saints, 1 hades specter and pope, still need to get saori! favorite show growing up.
None of you guys are getting the EX GS?

I just got Saori yesterday, you should get her. She'll be the center of the attention, among the 5 bronze saints.
Hades looked great, but I've already given up MC by the time it came out, so I gave it a pass. There's little you can do with them other them have them stand there supported by a stand. (Hades probably wouldn't fit on the old stands, I had to use FF Play-Art stands for my 3 Judges.)

Thankfully I'm a few years short of Saint Seiya being a really important part of my childhood, so I don't think I'll be going down this long path again with the EX line. Kamen Riders are difficult to keep up with as is!
Hades looked great, but I've already given up MC by the time it came out, so I gave it a pass. There's little you can do with them other them have them stand there supported by a stand. (Hades probably wouldn't fit on the old stands, I had to use FF Play-Art stands for my 3 Judges.)

Thankfully I'm a few years short of Saint Seiya being a really important part of my childhood, so I don't think I'll be going down this long path again with the EX line. Kamen Riders are difficult to keep up with as is!

Hades comes with his own special stand, with the coffin like base.

I know how it is with the SHF riders :rotfl
Sagittarius Myth crown, I´m glad that finally they improved Aioros face. Mine is on the way. Most of the pieces are plastic except a piece on the chest and shoulders are diecast.

I am also a Saint Seiya collector. My last purchases are in the box (10 or more myth cloth figures) cause of the lack of space to display. I´m not going to collect the Ex series for the moment. My next myth cloth will be Shaina & Cassios.

This old pics are from part of my Saint seiya collection











A part of what you see I have all the others Hades figures, god cloth version, saori and all bronze v1.
Wow, loving the varieties, not just Bandai SCMs!

Are those gold Pandora cloth box from Bandai's Tamashii web exclusives?

Who make those young Ikki and Pandora btw?
Thanks Hideous :wink1:, these pandoras are not licensed by Bandai, these are the dreambox version, a great purchase imo. There are also the perfect box version, more expensive.

The young ikki and Pandora are custom figures made in a limited quantity or edition. I bought them in a french web.

This is the Sagittarius version from Medicos 10" , another great figure with iinterchangeable head

The Medicos Seiya looks great, wish they had done more than one Dragonball fig.

I do the same with Sagittarius and replace him with one of the many Seiya hands too. To be honest, they look very alike anyway.
I think i'll start collecting this stuff once I get done with my batmab collection. Saint Seiya is one of my favorites anime, a good thing is this figures doesn't increase their values on the secondary market as Hot Toys figures does, so I'll be able to get them for no more than retail price I hope... Nice collection by the way Hydeous, I like the old cloths more than the new one, except for Fenix..
I prefer the V1 armor than the others, but I bought the v2 EX seiya though. Skipping on the rest, and I just got the 1/6 Seiya last Xmas from my wife actually :lol

Actually, most of the unpopular characters like Hydra, Lionet, etc is double or triple the original retail price now. Heck, even the v1 Pegasus is double the price now :duh

The Gemini EX also is getting rare and expensive now.
I strongly dislike the lineup as far as actual quality and pricing goes, but they are the best Saint Seiya figures out there I suppose. I am curious if the 1/6 stuff is any good. I really like how the Poseidon is looking so if it is a nice figure I might pick him up when he inevitably goes on clearance.

I sold all my old Myth Cloth since I've never enjoyed them, but I do own a few of the EX ones and I might try to at least grab a few others of the Gold Saints, but I doubt I will do much else.