Darth Malgus - Sideshow Exclusive 1/6th Action Figure Review

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Nerf Herder
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Between the Delta and the Devil
Darth Malgus - Sideshow Exclusive 1/6th Action Figure Review


Let’s talk some Sith. Darth Vader is the man, we all know this. Darth Maul takes the runner up spot with his cool tattoos, double bladed lightsaber and wicked horns. After those two there’s a pretty steep drop in terms of visual appeal. Sure, the Emperor is one evil SOB, but he’s little more than an old shriveled dude with a hood and a cane. Dooku? Evil? Check. Visually interesting? No, not really.

When Sideshow announced the 1/6th scale Darth Malgus action figure it gave fans an opportunity to add one truly bad *** looking, and much desired, Sith Lord to their collection. Having had this figure in my possession for a few days now I’m very excited to tell everyone how he turned out, so let’s get to it!

Initial Reaction:

For those of us who have been on the Sideshow Star Wars 1/6th bandwagon for quite some time the packaging becomes little more than a foregone conclusion. Little has changed in the last five or six years…. Till now. Darth Malgus features a box with gorgeous wrap around artwork. Though this isn’t quite the huge leap into Hot Toys packaging territory that Sideshow took with the Deluxe Darth Vader, it is a far cry from the simple grey/black packaging we’ve become far to accustomed to. A very nice touch right off the bat.


Once in hand it becomes pretty obvious that this release just oozes quality. Materials, paint and sculpting all seem as good as I’ve ever seen from Sideshow. Everyone complains about rising prices in our hobby, and I’m no different, but it is very obvious that the extra money we’re shelling out is equating to a better overall product, and Malgus is a prime example of that.



What I dig:

So, what is it about this figure that makes it worth picking up? The answer is simple. Malgus has big time presence! Though the exclusive non-BD head is a great addition to the set I find he looks the most evil and sinister with the scarred face and breathing mask, that’s where the look of the character crosses into Darth Vader/Darth Maul territory.




There are some figures that you buy, futz and put on the shelf, only to never touch again. Sideshow’s Darth Malgus is just about impossible to put down. Yes, it’s that kind of figure.

What I don’t dig:

The body armor down to the crotch is all one solid piece. This takes away all movement at the waist. Some collectors have already started performing simple modifications to work around this design. I’ve yet to feel the need to do this myself as I just don’t see it as being necessary but it should be noted that some are less than pleased with this.

So, on to the one real issue I have, the hood… The combination of material and wire frame makes the hood very difficult to position right. When on Malgus’ head the hood tends to stick up a bit, making it look quite unnatural. A simple work around is to tuck the ends of the hood into Malgus’ shoulder armor.




Final Verdict:

One of Sideshow’s finest 1/6th releases and a great addition to any 1/6th collection, Darth Malgus is a must have for fans of the dark side of the force. Often times it's releases like this that are overlooked. Sideshow's Deluxe Darth Vader has taken most of the spot light in 2014, leaving Malgus as an afterthought to most collectors. While this video game villain might not have the popularity of Vader, Malgus is every bit as good a release. Go grab him while you can!

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