What's the general consensus of the xmen movies?

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Sep 25, 2006
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I had an xmen marathon the other night, starting with xmen first class, all the way to xmen 3. Without going into too much depth, here are my thoughts.

First class, I thought it was well done. I had heard about it being heavily influenced by the 007 films. You can definitely feel that vibe. Certain parts were kinda forced and didn't feel natural, but overall, it was good.

Origins Wolverine. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Not great, but not terrible either. The first half was real strong, but when he starts traveling all over the place looking for the guy that was looking for him...it was needless filler.

X1 and 2. Good films that lacked in action set pieces, but good films nonetheless.

And finally X3. Terrible. Just awful. I couldn't believe how bad it was. Like...what the hell. The fact I watched it last has left a bad taste in my mouth that will linger for a long time. I pray the sequel to wolverine will blow my mind.

Last but not least, Hugh Jackman IS wolverine. Like how many here consider Chris Reeve the definitive superman, Jackman is the definitive wolverine.

So, my fellow freaks, what say you?
The only reason that Hugh Jackman would be considered the "definitive" Wolverine is because he's the only actor who played the character.

Pretty much the same take as yours regarding the films.
I think the general consensus is that 1 and 2 are great, 3 and Origins are horrible and FC is a step in the right direction and better than the ones before it.

Personally I think 1 doesn't hold up really and 2 is dramatically overrated in a lot of people's minds. 3 and origins are almost blasphemous and First Class is the best Marvel movie done despite it's inaccuracies including those from Marvel Studios.

I think you'll get everyone kind of going along their own but 3 for sure is definitely seen by a majority as the worst of all of them.
First Class was my favorite. I liked X2 too.

X3 and Wolverine were pure ____ IMO. X1 doesn't stand up to todays superhero films but is in by no means bad, imo.
I think the general consensus is that 1 and 2 are great, 3 and Origins are horrible and FC is a step in the right direction and better than the ones before it.

Personally I think 1 doesn't hold up really and 2 is dramatically overrated in a lot of people's minds. 3 and origins are almost blasphemous and First Class is the best Marvel movie done despite it's inaccuracies including those from Marvel Studios.

I think you'll get everyone kind of going along their own but 3 for sure is definitely seen by a majority as the worst of all of them.

Agreed. Although I didn't find part 3 all that terrible. In fact, I thought it had better action than 2 and 3. The school fight in 2 is good, but after that? Meh. I attribute that to Singer, to me he makes dull movies.

And I'm not saying that in some kind of cynical retrospect. Part 1 I liked for a while, but I didn't like 2 and found it overrated as soon as it was over. Nightcrawler was great though.
I think X2 is the best film representation of the X-Men yet (and my favorite of the series), though First Class is the most well made film, if that makes sense. X1 comes third, then a huge gap, then Wolvie: Origins and X3. I only saw X3 all the way through once at the theaters, and really have no desire to watch it through again. It flat out stunk.
First class was a horrible abomination to the franchise. It was an ok movie but what they did with the history of the xmen was a joke. Also the characters that chose made me scratch my head.

I can't wait for Fox to lose the license so that Marvel can have it back.
Also Xmen 3 was disgusting and I do not understand why Brett Ratner is allowed to make movies.
I can't wait for Fox to lose the license so that Marvel can have it back.
I don't think Fox is gonna give that right up anytime soon, considering that the franchise brings in so much money. I agree with you about Ratner, though. He is a serviceable director some of the time, and mediocre the rest of the time.
First Class was my favorite. I liked X2 too.

X3 and Wolverine were pure ____ IMO. X1 doesn't stand up to todays superhero films but is in by no means bad, imo.

Agreed with this ^ :exactly:

I think X2 is the best film representation of the X-Men yet (and my favorite of the series), though First Class is the most well made film, if that makes sense. X1 comes third, then a huge gap, then Wolvie: Origins and X3. I only saw X3 all the way through once at the theaters, and really have no desire to watch it through again. It flat out stunk.

Pretty much the right order...

X:O (W)
While the "set piece" moments in the first 2 films lacked impact, I'd still prefer them to the mess that was in 3. Not only was the wirework overdone, but it was so obvious.

And I agree, Jackman has been the only one to portray wolverine, but he does it so honestly and convincingly that it's hard to picture someone else in that role. This may seem over the top, but I can't even read the comics anymore because, although he was conceputalized that way, I just can't accept wolverine as being this 5'4 tall hairy looking dude anymore. That is the effect jackmans performance has on me.

After seeing the movies in sequential order, I picked up the inconsistencies...ugh. Main two are: in origins, when the mutants escape and a certain person shows up. In x3, the beginning when 2 certain important characters visit the girl at her house.

Why? Because in first class, a major character goes through a life altering event makes those two scenes I mentioned above impossible.

Oh oh and a sparkly girl in first class is one of the chief antagonists, but also happens to be a captive mutant in origins....

I know I know. X3 and origins were made a few years ago...I understand the team behind first class would love nothing more than pretend x3 never happened, but with origins, a few minor changes in first class would've avoided these inconsistencies and paradoxes.
Oh oh and a sparkly girl in first class is one of the chief antagonists, but also happens to be a captive mutant in origins....

Singer who wrote FC (along with others) and produced it, has openly said that FC completely ignores anything that occurred after X2. That's why Beast is the age he is in it, to completely negate his appearance in X3 (although there is an issue in the brief cameo McCoy had in the previous X movies on the television screen) and Emma Frost completely destroys her role in Origins. Even the brief Cerebro looks at Scott and Ororo change what came after Singer's versions. The beginning piece with Erik in the Holocaust camp is almost frame for frame with X1. According to Singer the next films should bridge into X1.

Origins was so badly panned that Jackman confirmed that "The Wolverine" will completely ignore it occurred and Fox said that their "Deadpool" film will not base anything from Origins and ignore it occurred as well.

It's the "Christmas Special" of the X-Universe.
Singer who wrote FC (along with others) and produced it, has openly said that FC completely ignores anything that occurred after X2. That's why Beast is the age he is in it, to completely negate his appearance in X3 (although there is an issue in the brief cameo McCoy had in the previous X movies on the television screen) and Emma Frost completely destroys her role in Origins. Even the brief Cerebro looks at Scott and Ororo change what came after Singer's versions. The beginning piece with Erik in the Holocaust camp is almost frame for frame with X1. According to Singer the next films should bridge into X1.

Origins was so badly panned that Jackman confirmed that "The Wolverine" will completely ignore it occurred and Fox said that their "Deadpool" film will not base anything from Origins and ignore it occurred as well.

It's the "Christmas Special" of the X-Universe.

I want First Class and it's sequel to be a reboot to the continuity, no holding things back for the sake of fitting in to the previous films.

Let X1-3 stand on their own and let First Class+ be of new canon :lecture
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Singer who wrote FC (along with others) and produced it, has openly said that FC completely ignores anything that occurred after X2. That's why Beast is the age he is in it, to completely negate his appearance in X3 (although there is an issue in the brief cameo McCoy had in the previous X movies on the television screen) and Emma Frost completely destroys her role in Origins. Even the brief Cerebro looks at Scott and Ororo change what came after Singer's versions. The beginning piece with Erik in the Holocaust camp is almost frame for frame with X1. According to Singer the next films should bridge into X1.

Origins was so badly panned that Jackman confirmed that "The Wolverine" will completely ignore it occurred and Fox said that their "Deadpool" film will not base anything from Origins and ignore it occurred as well.

It's the "Christmas Special" of the X-Universe.

First off, thanks for clearing that up. Second, holy crap I cant believe they actually said that. I'm curious to how they're gonna pull that off in regards to the wolverine sequel. Like...damn I can't even wrap my brain around it.
I think someone else could take over Wolvie and do a fine job, but Jackman's effectiveness goes beyond the fact that he's the only Wolvie we've known. He has done a great job IMO, though the character he helped bring to life isn't precisely the same as his comic book counterpart that I grew up being a fan of.
Here's my take on the films.

X-men F.C. was a good film. (Compared to Origins and X-3, amazing)
X-men 1 was good but like what was said already, lacks in action.
X-men 2 was an very good film imho.

Now with these 3 films, here lies my issue. All 3 above are the best in the franchise and are not horrible at all. My problem is, Singer and many others say that these movies are not a part or ignores X-3 and Origins. Even with that said. There are huge Continuity issues if these 3 are suppose to connect. Big enough issues that is keeping me from enjoying F.C even more. Issues like..

Beast- In F.C. he turns to into full blown Beast, but while in X-1 or
X-2, Hank Mccoy is seen on TV as an adult and still "human" looking.

Cerebro. Apparently in F.C. was created by Hank and funded by CIA or whomever Hank works for. In X-2 we find out that Magneto helped Professor X build it which leads to...
Magneto's Helmet. In F.C., Shaw creates it and Magneto steals it in which Charles sees and knows this( and what it can do) at the end of the movie. But apparently in X-1 Charles seems to forget this. "But he seems to have found some way to shield himself from it".
It seems if you going to F.C. to X1 and X2, the relation established with Charles and Mystic in F.C. is non existence in X-1 and X-2.

Now the biggest thing, Charles and Erik "great friendship". In X-1 and X-2, you feel through their dialogue that they had a deep friendship for many years before they ultimately became enemies. First Class drop the ball on this. Yes you see a start of a friendship, but not the bond that you feel in the later films. If they would continued the friendship over to another filmed and build on it more, then I feel it would have worked better.

X-3 just went way off into a different direction and destroyed what was being build up in the 2 previous films and Origins just was equally as bad as X-3.
The first and second films were really great and were really among the first of the big wave of comic book adaptations (particularly X1). Watching them now, in light of all the other films that have been made in the genre over the last decade plus, the first one doesn't hold up quite as well. I would say that First Class and X2 are the two solid entries in the series.
I liked all of the X-Men movies with the exception of X3. Just don't understand the hate for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Wasn't on the same caliber of X2 or X-Men First Class...but I didn't leave the theater disappointed in the film whatsoever. I kinda liked it.