1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

I actually bought the first Spidey at a convention on Sunday, I'm glad to have one with a Garfield sculpt.

This looks nice, but the webbing doesn't quite pop enough.
Looks like a great figure, with some cool accessories. I was holding off on buying the first Amazing Spiderman as I much prefer this look. If I could make two changes, I would change the red material to fabric (similar to that seen below), and I would like to have greater detail in the eyes (similar to that seen below).
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Best spidey suit to date!, definitely PO this..
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Should be 100% fabric. Red parts of the suit look cheap and nasty like the medicom sm3 figures.



Looks really cheap and majorly disappointing :(

If there is no Garfield head as well, why does it still have the neck seam? They could have done what Medicom did on the ASM version.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

it looks better than their fist attempt but the suit still crumples up way too easily.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Looks incredible.
Gotta get this one.

Love that he comes with that vest,scarf,and cap. :lol:lol
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

The fabric sucks, but the new hand design is pretty genius, no longer need to pull the pegs out for interchanging
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Lol @ no Parker sculpt.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Liking what I see. Main concern for me are the web shooters. I wanna get a proper web slinging pose unlike the first figure. I'd hate for Spidey to shoot webs onto the back of his hands again!!!!!!::slap:gah::mad:
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Should be 100% fabric. Red parts of the suit look cheap and nasty like the medicom sm3 figures.


Agreed. I have the SM3 spidey. This will not be replacing it. The red portions of the suit look like absolute arse-pie.

HT need to pick up their game, but that's not going to happen while people are willing to overlook crap looking like this.

It's a real shame, because this is the suit most accurate to the classic comic book look.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

I don't understand. I don't understand.
The movie costume is dark red satin. How does that translate into red vinyl? It looks like they just updated the ASM1 costume, whereas the new one is completely different.
How does dark red satin become red vinyl?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

passed on the first one to wait for this and im disappointed :(
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Red vinyl? Seriously?
What happened to the dark red satin?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

The mighty Hot Toys is falling apart at the seams.. :lol

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

I hafta agree with the majority. I think this is a fail on HT part. The suit looks ok, but it's not right. I really want a Spidey to add to my collection, but I don't think this is an instant pre order for me like everything from Cap2 was. Which is a shame because this is the first Spidey movie since Spider-Man 2 that I've been excited for. The suit on screen looks great, but this doesn't do it justice. Oh well. Wait for some in hands to decide.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Welp, might as well wait and see what the Amazing Spider-Man 3 suit/figure will look like XD
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Was really looking forward to seeing this, as its one of my favourite on screen suits, and thought it could be my first spidey, but not liking those proto images at all! :(
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure [Specs + Pic]

Welp, might as well wait and see what the Amazing Spider-Man 3 suit/figure will look like XD

Eh......no Parker sculpt makes me suspicious enough to think another version is coming from this film. Perhaps they'll fix the suit for that one. I want a Spidey from this film, I am not certain this one will be it...