Stallone should make an ALIEN movie!

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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Jut imagine how bad-ass it would be to see a Ramboesque ALIEN 5 directed and starring Sylvester Stallone, with H.R Giger back as a production designer and Dan O'Bannon and Ridley Scott as creative consultants. Sure he had nothing to do with the other films, but RAMBO was such a bad-ass movie, it would be sweet to see Stallone as a leading Colonial Marine taking out a new Alien.

Or Fox could do a PREDATOR 3 teaming up Stallone with Schwarzenegger.

Either film would definitely get both franchises back on track since the so-so AVPR. A Stallone ALIEN 5 would be what ALIENS should have been, and would be the best ALIEN since the original.
WTF? Am I sensing no love for Sly? :confused: YOU KNOW WHAT.......Just kidding! :lol

Seriously though something like this could never happen, too many big heads bumping into each other. I mean why do BIG TIME actors almost never work together?................i'll tell you why, well lets just say the debate would end at discussing the opening credits and who's name should be displayed first!

:cool: a thousand times no.

granted, we would probobly also have an eaiser time trying to figure out what the alien is saying over mumbles stalone.
Seriously though something like this could never happen, too many big heads bumping into each other. I mean why do BIG TIME actors almost never work together?................i'll tell you why, well lets just say the debate would end at discussing the opening credits and who's name should be displayed first!


'Cause we have egos in Hollywood now, not stars. We'll never see the likes of a Dirty Dozen, Magnicent Seven, Great Escape or Longest Day again I fear. :monkey2
Something like this should never happen.

Exactly. I love Sly, but he has no business in this genre. He's got a forte and he should stick with that and only that. I think even he'd know he shouldn't get involved with this sort of thing and would pass if someone approached him.
Jut imagine how bad-ass it would be to see a Ramboesque ALIEN 5 directed and starring Sylvester Stallone, with H.R Giger back as a production designer and Dan O'Bannon and Ridley Scott as creative consultants. Sure he had nothing to do with the other films, but RAMBO was such a bad-ass movie, it would be sweet to see Stallone as a leading Colonial Marine taking out a new Alien.

Or Fox could do a PREDATOR 3 teaming up Stallone with Schwarzenegger.

Either film would definitely get both franchises back on track since the so-so AVPR. A Stallone ALIEN 5 would be what ALIENS should have been, and would be the best ALIEN since the original.

The problem here is that your argument is based upon the assertion that Aliens is not a good film. And your previous thread proved that you are in a VERYYYYYYYY small minority with that belief (did anyone in the pages and pages of replies agree with you? I don't remember a one). Rambo was a great war/action film. Aliens and/or Predator are sci-fi films. Sly has only attempted Sci-Fi once or twice ... do we really want a Judge Dredd quality Aliens or Predator? So, your assertion makes no sense. Ken Burns makes great documentaries about war. Lets get him to direct another Aliens or Predator ... yeah, silly, but it makes about as much sense as your suggestion :monkey3
Sly + Aliens = TOTAL Disaster. I don't think I could even bring myself to see such a flick.....maybe if I was bored and desperate I might rent it....but that would be it.
This sounds like a film project Uwe Bol!

seriously though, if the movie was two and a half hours of stalone runngin from his life slowy getting torn apart by aliens, and him relying on every action movie cliche to keep himself alive, only to see them fail taime and time again, with him getting killed in the end by being torn limb from limb by a massive swarm of bugs......
That, that i might watch :D
Jut imagine how bad-ass it would be to see a Ramboesque ALIEN 5 directed and starring Sylvester Stallone, with H.R Giger back as a production designer and Dan O'Bannon and Ridley Scott as creative consultants. Sure he had nothing to do with the other films, but RAMBO was such a bad-ass movie, it would be sweet to see Stallone as a leading Colonial Marine taking out a new Alien.

Or Fox could do a PREDATOR 3 teaming up Stallone with Schwarzenegger.

Either film would definitely get both franchises back on track since the so-so AVPR. A Stallone ALIEN 5 would be what ALIENS should have been, and would be the best ALIEN since the original.

lol you ARE a very strange man :)

this is from the guy saying "Aliens" sucked...:rolleyes:
it was the most adrenaline rushed movie of the whole franchise and it sucked, and now you would like Sylvester to make a Alien movie...

I say, than you will end up with a movie just like AvP:R, maybe good action, but no build-up...but that is the way you like it I guess if you say AvP:R was so so!
how could you even give AvP:R a break and bash on Aliens
those AvP:R directors should have wachted Aliens before making this movie!
wich they clearly did NOT
and maybe that explains why you like AvP:R more than Aliens? hmm
so you like the: I-cannot-see-what-the-****-is-happning-on-screen-action flick huh
yeah seriously dude. i know you probably don't agree but aliens is awesome. and sly is awesome. but they are different kinds of awesome and these types of awesome just don't mix to make more awesome. they make anti-awesome. if a film like this ever happened (not that it ever would) it would end both the aliens franchise and sly's career.

sly's on a roll. he's made an amazing comeback. and i love it! :D
this thread is exactly why making films should be left to real film makers. just another bash on aliens but now includes sly.

maybe you could star in 'brain donors 2 - the unemployed writer' coming to a grindhouse near you.

:lol :lol :lol
this thread is exactly why making films should be left to real film makers.


nevertheless, AvP, the idea behind the movie was awsome.
I liked the movie a whole lot more than AvP:R DUUH! but if it would be formed in the hand of, I don't know, the starters of the franchise: Cameron or Scott, or Mctierman, there would be indeed more dept to it, automatically making it a better movie in total.

But regarding the effects, I thought the actual fight between the alien and the predator were very well made indeed...

but there are lessons to learn, do not leave big franchises like this in the hands of unexperienced film-makers, like those strauss broters :rolleyes: I mean they were Sfx dudes...stick to that!
nevertheless, AvP, the idea behind the movie was awsome.
I liked the movie a whole lot more than AvP:R DUUH! but if it would be formed in the hand of, I don't know, the starters of the franchise: Cameron or Scott, or Mctierman, there would be indeed more dept to it, automatically making it a better movie in total.

This might just be fanboy dreaming but I read this about AVP on IMDB:

While this film languished in so-called "development hell" for years, 20th-Century Fox considered producing a fifth film in the "Alien" franchise instead. James Cameron, who wrote and directed Aliens (1986), had written a script and even approached Sigourney Weaver to star and Ridley Scott to direct, both of whom expressed interest. When the studio decided to use the Alien/Preadator crossover story instead, Cameron, Weaver and Scott all distanced themselves from the project, and later, declared they would never work on either franchise again.

Doesn't that just make you crazy?