All quiet on the DC front...

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Super Freak
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County
With JL being a flop and the figures being a year's away, HT isn't caring much about DC. I know they have Infinity War to tackle but DC isn't quite making movies until next year. What do you think will be next non JL figure HT tackles?
Maybe a revisit to some characters of the Suicide Squad? I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually released that silver jacket Joker and Classic HQ version. Or they could finally release Romero Joker, Batman Returns Penguin or Catwoman. Or they could release some more of the Arkham City/Knight line like Scarecrow or Harley Quinn. They still have enough ideas of their current licenses to fill the void.
I was thinking about this, too. They need to keep Batman in play, so this could be a great year to finally get some older promised figures like '66 Joker and Returns Catwoman. If they don't do much, it'll give me a chance to go back and pick up some of the Arkham and Suicide Squad figures I couldn't afford from the recent bat-glut.
Batman Returns Catwoman, Romero Joker and I know he was only on screen for a few seconds but Deathstroke would be cool.

1/4 scale Reeve and Keaton figures.

Is there any reason they don't do comic versions of these characters? I'd really love to see classic versions in 1/6 figure form.
Batman Returns Catwoman, Romero Joker and I know he was only on screen for a few seconds but Deathstroke would be cool.

1/4 scale Reeve and Keaton figures.

Is there any reason they don't do comic versions of these characters? I'd really love to see classic versions in 1/6 figure form.

Then fact that they haven't made a 1/4 Reeve Superman and a Keaton Bats is a disgrace. I thought the 1/4 line was reserved for iconic characters, but it is now another way to milk Iron Man.
Then fact that they haven't made a 1/4 Reeve Superman and a Keaton Bats is a disgrace. I thought the 1/4 line was reserved for iconic characters, but it is now another way to milk Iron Man.

:goodpost: Reeve and Keaton in this scale are a must, Nicholson Joker would be nice to. Howard did say they'd be making more 1/4 stuff from now on but then his word doesn't mean much. There are so many iconic characters they could do outside of superheroes to. Terminator 1/2, Indiana Jones, Die Hard, Rambo, Rocky etc, anything but another Iron Man.
Theyre probably trying to come up with the Flashpoint story which includes recasting and finding proper writers/directors etc...

Pretty much a new DCEU considering the first one failed hard...

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz as a dc fan myself i could care less that people slam them...someday they will be more popular than know it's the meantime gotta watch some Nolan goodness!:rotfl