Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013 (POST YOURS!!!!)

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Super Freak
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
THE 3-oh-5
Hello fellow collectors!

Some of you know me and some of you don't... for those of you who don't I'm a pretty hardcore collector/photographer of 1/6 scale figures and accessories and a builder of 1/6 scale dioramas. I've put together my top 10 list of BEST FIGURES OF 2013 and invite everyone else to voice their opinions!

Without further ado...

NUMBER 10 - The Sideshow/Chogokin Star Wars C3PO


My review: This figure isn't the most unique, or ground breaking. The articulation is just as limited as actor Anthony Daniel's was during the filming of those classic films. It doesn't come with much in the way of accessories... what you do get however... is a large grin of satisfaction when you feel the weight of this impressively hefty figure. Even more satisfying is how cold to the touch the beautifully detailed and polished die cast finish is. The figure is one that can really only be appreciated by picking it up. I really hope a complimenting R2D2 gets made!

NUMBER 9 - Hot Toys Avengers - HULK


Review: Another figure that benefits greatly from the HEFT-TEST... the Hot Toys Hulk is most impressive when you pick it up and get a sense of how sturdy this figure is. Not to mention the sheer coolness factor of opening up the box and beholding and actual 1/6 scale INCREDIBLE HULK!

NUMBER 8 - Iminime Crossbow Hunter


Review: One of my favorite custom offerings of the year and an amazing figure. One of the best shows on TV! A great sculpt of a great actor! Immaculate tailoring! Fantastic accessories! And extremely limited! Enough said.

More pics in my Collection thread - Link in my sig.

NUMBER 7 - Sean Job/Kato Rick Grimes


Review: Another TWD favorite. The ultra limited (20 pcs) Seanjob/Kato Rick Grimes. This is an underappreciated custom imho. The sculpt in my mind is the best Rick Grimes custom sculpt produced. The paintwork is top notch and the accessories are second to none. Combine all that with Kato clothing and you have an amazing figure. It's made even better with the inclusion of Kato's amazing 1/6 scale beige levi's jacket.

More pics in my collection thread in my sig below.

NUMBER 6 - Hot Toys Man of Steel


Review: OK, so maybe its a bit too tall in person... but this figure really is a standout piece any way you look at it. Excellent sculpt and likeness.

NUMBER 5 - Hot Toys Iron Man 3 - The Mandarin


I think this is a fantastic figure of an admittedly controversial character. Still the amazing sculpt and tailoring cannot be overlooked. A truly amazing figure.

NUMBER 4 - Enterbay Lebron James


Love him or hate him there's no denying Lebron James is the best basketball player in the world and as an NBA fan--and a Miami Heat fan--this figure is a must own. The body is perfectly scaled to Lebron's true dimensions. The two sculpts are very good. The plethora of hand poses and a great stand make this a standout piece for me.

NUMBER 3 - Iminime Wallstreet Killer DX


This was REALLY REALLY close to being the best custom of the year (that is until number 1 on the list appeared on the scene). Patrick Bateman is one of the most quotable and satirically hilarious characters of any film of the last few decades. This figure has the right accessories and excellent tailoring. And if you were lucky enough to snag the extremely limited DX you got two amazing sculpts. The best Bale 1/6 likeness in my opinion.

More pics in my collection thread.

NUMBER 2 - Hot Toys Terminator 2 - t-800 BD DX13


As much as the DX10 was an improvement over the MMS, this figure is simply in a class of its own. Two great sculpts. Two outfit display options. Amazing paintwork. A unique body with battledamage. Great accessories and a T1000 figure all in one box? Need i say more? The best Hot Toys figure to date.

NUMBER 1 -Iminime Cowboy DX


This is my favorite figure of 2013... and I sold it! GASP. For a lot of money mind you... lol. The incredibly hard to get DX sets includes two of the most accurate 1/6 scale headsculpts ive ever seen. Sculpted by the impeccably talented Trevor Grove with ridiculously good clothing and accessories. I have a feeling this figure will stand the test of time.

More pics in my collection thread.

Let me know what you guys think and feel free to post your top tens!
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Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Nice list man. :)

Those Walking Dead figures are excellent - & the Clint is awesome! Arnold needs no explanation either of course.

That said - I disagree regarding your summary on Tamashii C-3PO. It's practically a museum piece; amazing detail, more articulation than you'd expect, great engineering with the arm pistons, light up eyes that bring him to life, built sturdily - it's a stand out alright. :exactly:

Personally - out of that list, I'd have Arnold first - & Threepio second.
Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Glad to see 3PO made it on someone's list. I have yet to get this but I do want him.

Also glad to see you believe DX13 to be the best figure HT has produced yet. I hope mine will be shipping soon.
Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Of course this is your list but the Lebron IMO was a bit too high on the list....first of all I know you are a fan but you if there was gonna be an NBA consideration what about the GOAT....Jordan! I have thereof the pieces...red, white, and black uniforms...this guy belongs in any list. But I am a hater admittedly of the heat so I will just stop now ha.
Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Of course this is your list but the Lebron IMO was a bit too high on the list....first of all I know you are a fan but you if there was gonna be an NBA consideration what about the GOAT....Jordan! I have thereof the pieces...red, white, and black uniforms...this guy belongs in any list. But I am a hater admittedly of the heat so I will just stop now ha.

Jordan was number 11 for me. If EB hadn't milked the license and included the 2nd sculpt (as it did with Lebron) i would have had him in the top 10.

Avengers Mark 7 EX was number 12 if anyone was interested in that tidbit.
Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Jordan sculpt looks better than Lebron by a mile imo, still a solid list though.
Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Jordan sculpt looks better than Lebron by a mile imo, still a solid list though.


But I don't have Lebron in hand, so 6 of one, half a dozen of the other I guess... and its not like Wake is in the cloest about his fandom for the Heat. :lol
Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Fantastic list, Omar! I'm glad to see that guy in your number one spot.:lecture :hi5: :lol
Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

You have the cowboy! Oh man, they all look so out of reach. I only have one of those, the Hulk. Amazing top ten for you. Totally envious.

Would love to see other peops top 10 of 2013. I mean it's also all subjective to what you buy too right? My favourite certainly don't have the other nine. And now I'm thinking whether I bought ten other toys that could best the Hulk...
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Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

You have the cowboy! Oh man, they all look so out of reach. I only have one of those, the Hulk. Amazing top ten for you. Totally envious.

Would love to see other peops top 10 of 2013. I mean it's also all subjective to what you buy too right? My favourite certainly don't have the other nine. And now I'm thinking whether I bought ten other toys that could best the Hulk...

Well I have Wakes Cowboy actually. :lol

I cant Disagree with your top 3, especially your number 1. :exactly:

Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Excellent list Omar! I agree with many of them. This was such an incredible year for figures it was hard to make a top 10. Here's a list of honorable mentions in no particular order that just missed the top 10.

Bandai C3PO
Iminime Town Sheriff DX
Iminime Crossbow Hunter
Hot Toys Joker DX 2.0
Hot Toys Mark VII
Hot Toys Hulk
Hot Toys Mandarin
VM Inspector
Blitzway Carlito
DChung Running Man

And here's my top 10.
10. CHK Rocky
9. Spenser Dracula
8. Beto Bio-Exorcist Ghost
7. MG Grinch
6. Iminime Wallstreet Killer DX
5. Rainman Killer A
4. Hot Toys BD Terminator T-800 DX
3. Beto Jason 3D
2. Iminime Cowboy DX
1. Rainman Driver/Soldier DX

It was a really close call for number 1 with Cowboy having two amazing TG sculpts, great Iminime paint, and a well tailored outfit. But it was RM's overall package with the large number of cool accessories and versatile display looks giving it the slight edge.
Re: Wake's TOP 10 Figures of 2013

Anyway went through my purchases last year, and have to say these are my 10 favs (ordered as I was going through last years photos so roughly by release date, wouldn't be able to decide a top ten order let alone getting my favourite ten):
1) ThreeA AP Fighting JC Mauro

Yeah I kinda went overboard with the JC AP's. Mauro's the black one. I have no zombs for a horde fight and this was the only pic I could find. The 1/6 Exegesis Fighting JC was my second ever 3A piece after Popbot. Prior to the AP releases I also bought an AP TK to see what they were like and was amazed at how it was miniaturised. Right away I wanted two black and two white JC's. There is just something about the Mauro version with the darkened blonde hair that appeals much more than the other three. The exclusive Dark Tommy that came much later was also pretty cool, but was edged out by another black toy...

2) ThreeA Cherry Bomb

Dark Little Shadow was my 3rd 3A piece ever. Well it was tight between her and JC, I was watching JC first, but saw Shadow and bought her first but then JC shipped faster. So always an attraction to Little Shadow, and when Cherry was released, I couldn't resist that redhead. Like JC though, I don't have any solo shots, but she stands in my main display and is the first thing everyone sees when they walk through the front door.

3) ThreeA KDA

First bambaland TK and third TK after Kyoku and Ono. And he certainly didn't disappoint. You can just do so much more with the TK's than any Sideshow or Hot Toys. And without a stand.

4) FanToys Quakewave

All time favourite Transformer. Must like, no matter what.

5) ThreeA Oroshi

Nage was pretty close but having had KDA longer felt one had to go and I think Oroshi's jacket and sculpt edges out the hoodie and weapons.

6) Hot Toys Hulk

See number 4. Same reason.

7) ThreeA Blind Cowboy

Only three key pieces I really wanted from 3A, the Blind Cowboy, Noisy Boy and Harold. I did end up getting many more but every time I'd considered the Sideshow, Hot Toys or what ever else that was released, and 3A simply won out. BC & Ghost Horse is simply just awesome.

8) Figuarts Ironman

Honestly think this little dude is way more fun than the Hot Toys one and could possibly be my figure of the year. I thought I'd stopped getting anything but 1/6, but since JC everyone has started making much nicer 1/12 pieces that I use to top up orders for shipping.

9) CrazySmile Garden (Palm)er Lazy Michael

Not because he's black (but there does seem to be some strange correlation), but the beanie, hoodie and cord trousers is how I used to love dressing. And he can fit his hands in his pockets! Not quite 1/12 (only good pic I had was that scale pic btw), but just love how he looks.

10) ThreeA Golden Dolphin

Maybe because he was the last purchase I got to check out before the holidays. He was definitely not a high profile pre-order for me. When GD arrived however it all changed. Something about him just kicks arse. And I absolutely love that Dolphin head. Ax2's Rei arrived the day I left home for Christmas. He looked really cool and refreshing enough to possibly be up here, but GD has that right now.
Top 3 was easy for me.

1. DX13

2. Man of Steel

3. Patrick Bateman

4-10 in any order.

Selina Kyle


The Mandarin





beautiful pics para, I need to get me a proper backdrop.

Man you guys are tempting me with Supes, and I thought Reeves would be enough. Wonder how he compares to the new Vader in height. Dunno why, but I just can't do the battle damaged terminator.