Peter Cushing as Sherlock Holmes from THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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I've been wanting a decent Sherlock Holmes figure from the longest time. Never did I imagine I would get a Peter Cushing figure before RDJ. Or a Cushing Holmes before a Sideshow Tarkin. But indeed, here it is. Sorry for the fuzzy cellphone pics. They really don't do this guy justice:





In person, the clothes feel very high quality, and this is probably the best Cushing likeness I've seen in this scale.

I applaud the artists at Distinctive Dummies. They've really upped their game!
I've never seen Horror Express but need to pick up the blu ray. You can't beat a cast like that!

Now a question for fellow Holmes fans: If Rathbone and Bruce figures ever get made, would you prefer them in their Victorian attire? Or 1940's Universal looks?

If someone ever made a good Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce I wouldn't care what outfits they wore- but it would be great if both eras were included.

I'm about to start sculpting my own Basil Rathbone.

I've wanted sculpts of Rathbone and Bruce for ages. Definitely 1940's attire for me.

Nice Cushing Holmes, by the way. I've never seen that figure before.
What base is that on which you have Holmes standing? It suits the figure well. I wish I had the greenbacks for one. But at the moment, I am saving up to get that OTHER character that is hush hush. The one that the unwashed masses arent privy to as yet,lol. You know the one. Heh,heh,heh............
I'd like Rathbone and Bruce headsculpts too, mostly because I'd like to collect all the Holmes I liked. If figures, I'd prefer them released as in Victorian clothes because I'd dress them that way anyway. I have noticed that Bruce pretty much wears the same clothing in the Victorian Sherlock Holmes film and in the WWII films.

I only really liked the first too (non-Universal) films with Rathbone as Holmes. I thought the change to the present day in the Universal films didn't really work well; similar with the show 'Sherlock'.

I hope to purchase some Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke casts too.

I am not too partisan about Holmes/Watson so I like many different portrayals. I'd love figures of:

Ian Richardson and David Healy:


Christopher Plummer and James Mason:

I'd like Rathbone and Bruce headsculpts too, mostly because I'd like to collect all the Holmes I liked. If figures, I'd prefer them released as in Victorian clothes because I'd dress them that way anyway. I have noticed that Bruce pretty much wears the same clothing in the Victorian Sherlock Holmes film and in the WWII films.

Maybe DD should play Devil's Advocate and just give Rathbone his robe and fiddle. Everybody wins. I wouldn't mind the 40's looks just to give some variety on the shelf. I don't know how many deerstalker/inverness cape-wearing figures I can handle.

What base is that on which you have Holmes standing? It suits the figure well.

It's from some 6" figure. A friend gave it to me, so I'm not entirely sure which one.
I'd like Victorian Rathbone Holmes with his Victorian fedora, more his look from 'Adventures of Sherlock Holmes', but I'd not mind a Rathbone in any of his outfits. Releasing him in a robe would be great; mostly because I am looking for a dressing gown for a ''secret'' project I am doing. :D
Pictures of Holmes and my kitbashed Watson. Peter Cushing had three Watsons, Andre Morell ('The Hound of The Baskervilles'), Nigel Stock (the 1960s BBC series) and John Mills ('The Masks of Death'), but sadly none of these fine actors have figures of headsculpts in their honour, so I used a generic Doctor Watson I kitbashed long ago (around 2006-2008 or so, before the Cushing Holmes figure came out) and improved him somewhat by adding a high-coloured shirt, giving him a new suit (blue, as well as the brown which he always had), a hat (though I am replacing it with a bowler soon) and better shoes (though I am going to get some better ones):



''The game is afoot!''


I was unaware when I bought this cheaply priced (but surprisingly with a good Dragon-clone body) figure that he looked like a slimmer-faced, flatter-haired David Burke (Jeremy Brett's first Watson) - just look at the mustache shape, the curve of the mouth and the eyebrows. I am tempted to give him a better paint job soon.


- 'The Speckled Band'






- Sorry about the camera angle making their heads too small, I snapped these quickly.


- Still haven't found Selden, soldier?

- With the BBC Sherlock Holmes' episodes starring Cushing that had not been wiped from existence.
Thanks to your post, I've just bought Cushing Holmes and Van Helsing! :)

Great figs! I understand they're a bit simple in comparison to what's the trend now, but I love the retro -feeling they convey. Just like the old movies in comparison to recent movies! :)
Thanks to your post, I've just bought Cushing Holmes and Van Helsing! :)

I am sure he'll sit well alongside your Brett Holmes (which I have not forgotten about :wink1:).

Great figs! I understand they're a bit simple in comparison to what's the trend now, but I love the retro -feeling they convey. Just like the old movies in comparison to recent movies! :)

I like them for the same reason. And to be honest, when I started to really collect figures, the most advanced you could get was probably a Dragon figure, which have a similar body to the DD figures, so they fit in well with my collection IMO. Unlike most here, I do not own a single Hot Toys figure or body (or HT-clone body) so the body is still not so dated for me.

I'll post some more pictures of the body Baron Victor has been using, for other members to see. I do not think it is exactly a Dragon one (it looks slimmer - perfect for Cushing) but it is almost the same and has the same wrist joint.
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I am sure he'll sit well alongside your Brett Holmes (which I have not forgotten about :wink1:).

I'll post some more pictures of the body Baron Viktor has been using, for other members to see. I do not think it is exactly a Dragon one (it looks slimmer - perfect for Cushing) but it is almost the same and has the same wrist joint.

The body used is the official Dragon Neo 3. I used to use cheaper made in China bodies but gave up on them due to quality issues. I actually have to import these from the USA.
Thanks to your post, I've just bought Cushing Holmes and Van Helsing! :)

Great figs! I understand they're a bit simple in comparison to what's the trend now, but I love the retro -feeling they convey. Just like the old movies in comparison to recent movies! :)

Hi 16K
PM sent confirming shipping details. The retro feeling is what I am going for with my figures so I am so happy you picked up and that. I hope when you recive them you get a little bit of that magic we used to get in our childhood days :wink1:
The body used is the official Dragon Neo 3. I used to use cheaper made in China bodies but gave up on them due to quality issues. I actually have to import these from the USA.

Ah, a Neo 3. Yeah, I only have the older Dragon bodies (Neo-Adam Dragon) which are thicker in the chest with less flexible shoulders (second in this picture is the one I have lots of So the fact that you use a slightly more advanced body than I do for kit-bashes makes it so that I really, really cannot complain.

Personally, I did not mind that earlier body you used, myself. It was more or less the same as most figures in my opinion. :lecture But the new body you use is great. :)
I am sure he'll sit well alongside your Brett Holmes (which I have not forgotten about :wink1:).

I like them for the same reason. And to be honest, when I started to really collect figures, the most advanced you could get was probably a Dragon figure, which have a similar body to the DD figures, so they fit in well with my collection IMO. Unlike most here, I do not own a single Hot Toys figure or body (or HT-clone body) so the body is still not so dated for me.

I'll post some more pictures of the body Baron Victor has been using, for other members to see. I do not think it is exactly a Dragon one (it looks slimmer - perfect for Cushing) but it is almost the same and has the same wrist joint.

Oh, I like the DML body myself and I think the old Buck doesn't get the love it deserves. I think that once covered, most bodies are good enough and I'm glad we have the oportunity for different morphologies. The only thing I hate with DML is the hands. The rest is quite fine!

As for the Brett, don't worry and take all the time you need! :)

Hi 16K
PM sent confirming shipping details. The retro feeling is what I am going for with my figures so I am so happy you picked up and that. I hope when you recive them you get a little bit of that magic we used to get in our childhood days :wink1:

Thanks for the PM! As I said, the retro feel is good and besides, I think it's perfect to go with my PE Christopher Lee. I think that today's collectors are spoiled and can only appreciate something only if it's perfect. It's okay, but I think it changes the whole hobby. There used to be a time when people were in awe before Sideshow toys or DML. Now, they frown at everything unless Hottoys is on the package. I's a shame!

Keep your stuff as is, I like it! The only thing that you may want to improve is the paint job. These are obviously, great, very accurate sculpts and I don't think the paint job does them justice!
Oh, I like the DML body myself and I think the old Buck doesn't get the love it deserves. I think that once covered, most bodies are good enough and I'm glad we have the oportunity for different morphologies. The only thing I hate with DML is the hands. The rest is quite fine!

Yeah, the Dragon bodies and the Old Art S. Bucks are amongst my favourites (the Art S. Buck is great due to the height, it adds variety). I am not too hung up about bodies, really, because for me they are only meant to display heads and clothing. I only collect bodies if they are different heights, so if bodies such as the HT ones are just the same height as a Dragon or Sideshow body, I'd not worry too much about it because Dragon and SST made bodies with all the articulation I need.

As for the Brett, don't worry and take all the time you need! :)

Thanks. I am moving in the next months so you'll certainly be hearing from me again, when I have an address that can things can be mailed to (I am sort of in limbo, I am moving but I am not sure when (should be next month or maybe the month after) so I am not ordering anything just yet and I need some money for transporting valuables). :wink1:

There used to be a time when people were in awe before Sideshow toys or DML. Now, they frown at everything unless Hottoys is on the package. I's a shame!

I'd agree with....and I am not a big fan of HT anyway, but only because of their prices and the fact that they make nothing that grabs me (I am more into history or Gothic literature and films, and 'The X-Files', whereas they mostly make figures of the latest blockbuster or comic) rather than their sculpts, which are usually fine.