Sealing an Acrylic Re-Paint Job with Gloss

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Super Freak
Jan 11, 2015
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I have an action figure that needs an acrylic, paint job sealed with a gloss coat to make it look wet (e.g. the inside of a snarling, animal mouth with exposed teeth, tongue and gums) and was wondering if anyone would recommend Testors Clear Glosscote Spray? I searched the thread and could not find a similar question that was already addressed.

Lacquer does not go over acrylic, it could mess up the paint job. Lacquer first, then acrylic. I use Tamiya acrylic clear spray for what you're looking to do.
Lacquer does not go over acrylic, it could mess up the paint job. Lacquer first, then acrylic. I use Tamiya acrylic clear spray for what you're looking to do.
Is it tacky once it dries? Every sealer I've ever used made the model surface feel tackier than it was without.
Not at all, the tackiness could be due to a breakdown of the paint from an incorrect layering of the types of paints and sealant. But I don't know for certain without specifics. The Tamiya sealant I use works perfectly, I alternate being "clear" for a more glossy look, and "flat clear" for matte. There's also ultra high gloss sealants too. For mouths/spit, look into Vallejo diorama effects, water texture. That's really good for eyes or anything wet.
Lacquer does not go over acrylic, it could mess up the paint job. Lacquer first, then acrylic. I use Tamiya acrylic clear spray for what you're looking to do.
lacquer goes over acrylic no issues as long you start with 2 coats of mist coat before wet. done this all the time. only time i had issue was lacquer/acrylic clear over enamel paint, no matter what i do it will result in cast iron sandy texture. enamel primer seems ok with lacquer/acrylic paint.
Is it tacky once it dries? Every sealer I've ever used made the model surface feel tackier than it was without.
was it tacky when the paint dried (without the sealer)? it might also be incompatible toy material and paint, as some soft plastic tend to release solvent which would ruin the top coat and causes it to be really sticky.

i top coated few sweating figures rubber/soft plastic after cleaning while they remained dry after few weeks the whole thing would be wetter than before. soy conclusion is once they start sweating no turning back no fix unless you found it early and clean them and apply plastic protectors like aerospace 303 or Maguire hyper dressing.

acrylic paint should not react with lacquer if done correctly. but it might also be the nature of the clear being tacky. have you tried using the clear alone to see if they are tacky?
That's true,I was speaking generally but yeah just gotta create the conditions so the solvents in the lacquer don't interact with the acrylic.
Got the reverse need, what varnish or coat is best for protecting a scaled animal acrylic paintjob? Obviously real large reptiles does not look wet save crocodilians.
Cheers, I'll pic that up. I have not painted for several years but had to touch up some custom figures I purchased and find myself quite out of touch except remembering acrylic will rub off if you look at it hard.